With MindGenius, there’s no need for Windows Emulator.
We’re available on Mac!
With MindGenius Online there is no need to run bootcamp or parralells windows emulator to run MindGenius.
Trial for free for 14 days
Start with the part others pass-by – Brainstorming the actions your projects need. Our mind map software makes this part thorough, easy and enjoyable.
Once the details are down, it’s just as easy to then…
Assign resources
Set dependencies
Review project process
Revise processes anytime
Set durations
… All with superb flexibility
…And watch our inclusive library of quick start training videos taking you by the hand to show you exactly how MindGenius simplifies project management.

Project management
MindGenius starts with brainstorming and transforms your data into a project plan. Integrated features let you plan, schedule and monitor projects.

Mind Mapping
Give structure to data, eliminate brain fog and make communication clearer. Use categories and filters for easier information analysis.