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Collaborate with colleagues
like never before.

Use MindGenius Online on Microsoft Teams for free (no credit card required).

Why use MindGenius Online
in Microsoft Teams?

Collaborative mind maps.

Collaborate with colleagues on projects or mind maps.

website design mind map template
mindgenius online shown within a microsoft teams setting

Real time editing.

See any changes that your team make on the page as it happens.

Use Unsplash images to bring your Teams meeting to life.

To select an image from the Unsplash menu, go to your taskboard or mind map then select the image icon. 

From there, you can choose from up to millions of images.

Why use MindGenius in Teams?

With MindGenius in Teams, all product features are included. This means you can continue to plan projects, create mind maps and be creative while collaborating in real-time with your colleagues.

Take a look for yourself and start a free 14 day trial.