Education - Success Stories
"The University of Stirling has subscribed to MindGenius for a number of years. The license is great because it permits all students & staff to a free download – the software isn't just a useful tool for disabled students eligible for DSA funding, it’s useful to all. Students find the software really helpful for exam revision and essay planning."
Karen Jack
Student Adviser (Assistive Technology) – University of Stirling, Scotland.
“In MindGenius Online, it’s simple for me to take notes as the lecture is going on. I use the intended learning outcomes for each lecture as the template for my map, and then as the lecturer talks I can place the key statements linked in with the learning outcomes.”
Dr. Brooke Marron
University Hospital Hairmyres, Glasgow, United Kingdom. The comments were written while Dr. Marron was a fourth-year student at Glasgow University, preparing for her career in medicine.